Knauf Loft Insulation


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Zinsser B-I-N Primer- Sealer Stain Killer 2.5l
Zinsser Perma - White Interior Paint Satin White 2.5l
Thompson's Emergency Roof Seal 1l


Country Hill Animal Shelter

Cold days not only affect people but also animals, especially those waiting for their dream home and a kind heart to love them.

The cats from our local shelter are treated with great care, and additional thermal insulation to protect them from the cold in winter and the heat in summer will only increase their comfort while waiting for their forever homes.

We are proud that we were able to support the foundation with several packs of insulation this week.

We encourage everyone who cares about the fate of our furry friends to support Country Hill Animal Shelter.

Below we publish links to the Shelter website:

Barretine Water Seal 5l
Soudal All Wather Sealant
Feb Wintamix Frostproofer & Mortar Plasticiser 5l